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The Next Journey
Below is a review of my goals I plan to accomplish after completing my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) at Michigan State.
The Next Journey: Text

As this chapter of my life comes to an end, I reflect on what I have accomplished and what I still need to pursue. The past year and a half I have been dedicated to challenging my thinking, and creativity. I have learned through experiences and reflection. Even though this educational journey is coming to an end, I am not done. My journey in the educational technology program at Michigan State has introduced me to diverse kinds of knowledge I did not know I was interested in. I have encountered a genuine learning experience I want further to develop myself professionally. My next journey involves the following goals: become Google certified, seek leadership opportunities, and explore a career in educational technology. Below you will see how my educational journey will continue in a current and innovative direction.​
While in the MAET program, I have been exposed to new methods to bring technology in my classroom. Before being in this program, I never questioned what I was teaching my students. I didn’t consider what future it was preparing my students for. I have always been aware of technology advances, but not its effect within the classroom. I feel I am more aware of what and how to prepare my students for their futures. The first goal is to extend my technology knowledge by becoming Google Certified. I have been integrating different parts of technology into my classroom but there is more I want to learn. I want to become Google certified to be more knowledge to assist my students as well as my colleagues. Google offers online tutorials for users to do in their own time. After watching the tutorials you can pay a fee to test your knowledge. There two different educator levels to be certified in. I plan to be certified in both to help distinguish myself. I can see this benefiting me in the long run. I believe this will help establish leadership and distinguish myself from other candidates when entering into the educational technology field.
My next goal is to build my network and experience with leadership opportunities. I aspire to seek leadership because I want to help others. I want to be placed in a role where I can help people. It would be ideal to shadow someone in leadership in an educational technology role. If one of these offers presents its self, I will be able to gain expertise and expand my PLN (personal learning network). Furthermore, I plan to seek leadership opportunities through conferences. I want to stay up to date with new advances in technology and education. I feel attending conferences will not only keep me informed but also expand my network. An upcoming conference is the MACUL in Grand Rapids. I believe becoming Google Certified and attending a conference, will enhance my chances to share my knowledge and open up possibilities for leadership.
Finally, after achieving my degree, my ultimate goal is to sustain a job in educational technology. I would like to put all my new skills to work and apply them outside the classroom. I have taught students for 7 years, and I truly enjoy it, however, my experiences over the past year have given me a change of heart. I still want to work with students but in a different context. I would like to work more with teachers to help them build their confidence in integrating technology. Ultimately, I want to work with programs or applications used in the classroom. I would love to use my creativity, design skills, along with problem-solving thinking to help form technology for educators to use. I have already started establishing my LinkedIn account to get an idea of what is out there, as well as put myself out there. I am trying to follow businesses that have similar interests to mine. Here Michigan State provides information on the new role technology can bring to education, the direction I want to go. I know the previous two goals I have created will play a key role in achieving my final goal in pursuing a career in educational technology.
As you can see, my journey is not over. I have several goals I want to accomplish once I complete my master’s degree. The MAET program has allowed me to explore different avenues and pathways through learning and experiences. Even though I have evolved as an educator and learner, I still have growing to do. I am proud of how far I have come especially because I did not expect to have such a profound inspiration along this journey. I believe as I continue to achieve goals along my journey I will inspire others as I was inspired to learn and share.
The Next Journey: Text
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