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Annotated Transcripts

Michigan State University

Below are my course I took at Michigan State University while earning my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET). I have provided the names, when I took them, instructors, as well as brief details about each course. Clicking the course title will direct you to Michigan States description. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me. 

Michigan State offers a graduate certificate in Educational Technology within the MAET program. There were three classes I enrolled in to receive this certificate. Below I have identified the those courses. 


CEP= Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Social Education


Transcripts: Courses

Summer 2018

Instructor: Emily Stone 


This was one of my first course in the MAET program. These first courses paved the way for mind opening experiences in the program. This course exposed me to technology integration, my personal learning network (PLN), and the TPACK (Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge). It was here I began to realize there is more to learning and teaching then what is in the text book. I created a blog and reflected on my learning and discoveries.

(1 of 3 for Educational Technology Certificate)





Summer 2018

Instructors: Rachel Matz & Melissa White 


Through this course I also created a blog and reflected on my learning. I was able to "play" through learning and discovery through this course. I was introduced to maker education and dove deeper in to TPACK. One major take away was trial and error while I repurposed household items. During this course, I was able to play and learn from trial and error. I understood failure was ok because I was learning from it. I enjoyed using my creative thinking with my maker kit, Circuit Stickers, and discovering things I did not think I was capable of creating.  

(2 of 3 for Educational Technology Certificate)



Fall 2018

Instructors: Dr. Diana Brandon & Swati Mehta 


This course allowed me to reflect on learning. Learning seems like a simple word yet it is complex. Students learn in the classroom, but also outside the classroom. I had to consider how others learn, and reflect on what learning was to me. The focus of this course was to understand the different ways one can learn as well as consider what hinders learning. In the end, I was to focus on my personal learning theory which reflected my new thoughts on play, STEM, and innovative technology. 


Fall 2018

Instructors: Ronald Houtman


CEP 812 was the first class where I was able to focus on an issue within teaching and dive deeper into it. For this course, I had a blog as well, which reflected my learning. Through the power of questioning I was able to understand the root of personalized learning. Personalized learning was my wicked problem which I focused on through collaboration. It was beneficial to question the issue as well as understand it through others perspectives. Design thinking along with questioning helped me apply technology to my profession.

(3 of 3 for Educational Technology Certificate)

Winter 2019

Instructors: Michael Lachney & Kyle Shack 


This course in the MAET brought together leadership, education, and technology. While in this course I was challenged with thinking like a leader. My leadership skills were put to the test through activities in planning, evaluation, project management, professional development, relationships, and communication, all which technology integration can affect. I created an example of a professional development opportunity (click button below) I would use within my current position to immerse Spanish. It was an eye-opening class which gave me the chance to experience what a leadership role in technology entails. 


Winter 2019

Instructors: Emily BoltzBret Staudt Willet


Learning Technology through Design was another class I was able to apply to my current teaching position (first grade). This course allowed me to investigate the design process while actually going through it with a problem of practice. I worked through lack of math fluency (problem of practice) through the design process. I applied the following to math fact fluency: empathy, define, ideate, prototype, and test. I was able to dig deeper into the real issues surrounding math fluency, with the help of always considering the users, questioning and collaboration. I throughly enjoyed this course and how it was designed for us to design. 


Transcripts: Courses

Summer 2019

Instructor: Dr. Anne Heintz


In Teaching Students Online, I was able to bring online learning into my classroom. As a first grade teacher, I did not think my students would be able to learn online. However, over the course I developed a grammar course for my students to use outside or inside the classroom. While understanding my users, collaboration, and feedback, I created an online Grammar Check for students. It was to blend learning at home and at school, along with preparing my students for learning online. Over all it was an area for students to learn and participate in online learning. This course showed me what possibilities the world of online learning can achieve. 

Summer 2019

Instructor: Dr. E David Wong 


In CEP 822, the focus was educational research and methods for collecting and analyzing data. By the end of the course, I was able to analysis data as well as understand why educational research is beneficial. During the course, I put these methods and skills to use by conducting my own research for a topic of my interest. The final project was to writing my own research review on a research topic of interest. Each activity prepared me to review research and report my own on data on strategies to implement or not implement with ESL (English as a Second Language) students in my classroom. 

Fall 2019

Instructors: Missy Cosby & Swati Mehta


In CEP 818, I drove deeper into the complexity of creativity. Again, I was about to apply material and readings to my current position, teaching first grade. While using 7 trans-displinary creativity from Sparks of Genius: 13 Thinking Tools From the World's Most Creative People, I used my creativity developing new ways to view storytelling. Through readings, activities, and peer feedback, I was able to develop new perpectives on how to view storytelling. This course lead up to my final project of my synthesis on creativity.




Transcripts: Courses

Fall 2019

Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Aric Gauler, & Brooke Thomas


In this Capstone class, I worked on two main things: a portfolio showcasing my experience in the MAET program and create a portfolio which demonstrates my assessment of my masters journey. This portfolio is my final project. It demonstrates my thinking, creativeness, learning, experiences, and teaching throughout the MAET program. I have designed this portfolio with the helped of the course layout. This final class has allowed me to use my creativity to design a place to showcase my knowledge of education and technology. In this portfolio I have shared and reflected on my most influential experiences. It is all displayed here, please enjoy. 

Transcripts: Courses
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